
[Los Angeles] [Japanese] Mori Sushi - 森壽司, 米其林一星壽司餐廳

這間兩度獲得米其林一星榮耀的餐廳位在West LA在前店主/主廚Mori Onodera 的堅持下, 他們的壽司米是採用他們自己的特約農場所提供的米飯, 自己釀製的醬油, 還有餐點所使用的瓷器都是自己燒烤而成. 除此之外, 主廚對食物的堅持也是令餐廳屢屢獲得好評的原因, 不過, 在2011年三月, 老闆將餐廳轉讓給其他集團經營, 自己則半退休只擔任顧問的工作, 新的經營團隊所呈現的服務素質還有餐飲品質直接反映在人潮上, 短短的一個多月時間, 口耳相傳的風評已經令這間餐廳失去了往日的風華.
在2008, 2009年這是LA地區四間榮獲米其林星星餐廳中的其中一間.

午間套餐附贈的沙拉, 和風沙拉醬
Sushi Deluxe ($20) - 與Sushi Lunch 不同的是, Deluxe改用Chu-Toro以及招牌Eel Nigiri, 也從六貫增加為八貫握壽司.
他們的米飯果然有他們的堅持, 可以看到粒粒飽滿的飯粒透出了光芒.
Chirashi Deluxe ($23) - 這一份Chirashi Deluxe 與握壽司午餐大致相同的魚肉, 不過多了玉子燒還有小黃瓜.

他們家的壽司最讓我詬病的就是他們的醋飯調的味道實在是太重了, 醋的強味居然連Wasabi的風味都被蓋過去. 魚肉本身也是相當的普通, 雖然肉質本身沒有太多筋, 可是魚肉的新鮮度卻是令人感到失望. 他們服務的態度也沒有特別的良好. 雖然餐廳才剛剛轉換ownership沒多久, 可是他們的人潮已經散去了不少. 我個人認為他們餐廳的品質並不值得我付這麼高昂的價位去享用這一份沒帶給我太大感動的餐點.

Mori Sushi

11500 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064
(310) 479-3939

This place have once received Michelin 1 Star award in both year 2008 and 2009. However, my recent visit was quite disappointed with the overall presentation that it presented.

Before my visit, I am fully aware that Chef Onodera made his own ceramic plates, supervised a special farm in Northern California to supply the rice in the store, and also brew his own sauce sauce. What I did not know was, the ownership changed since March 2011. What remains the same is the Michelin Rated price tag. However, the quality of the fish and the taste of food is very average, or even below average of other similar sushi restaurants in the area, with the fraction of the prices that they are charging.

I have to agree their rice is good, the grain is full and right amount of tenderness and the stickness of rice is just about right. However, they put too much Vinegar in rice, which covered up the nature flavor of rice. Moreover, it covered up the nature taste of the fish. The size of the sushi is on the small side, which is acceptable, but the quality of fish that I have received (Chu-Toro, Salmon, Shrimp, Squid) are quite disappointing. The fish is fresh, but lack of taste. Very bland. Nothing is remarkable after this meal except the price that they charged and the over sourness of the rice.

I no longer sees Chef Onodera here. Perhaps thats the reason why the quality dropped significantly? If Michelin is running again for 2012, I will not be surprised if they dropped out of the list completely.


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