
[Las Vegas] [Buffet] Sushi Mon - 賭城吃到飽自助餐總介紹 Part 5

Sushi Mon Japanese Buffet位於Las Vegas的外圍地帶, 算是一個比較偏僻的地點. 可是這間自助餐以他們優良的品質還有平易近人的價位讓我不得不推薦這間日本人經營的日式壽司自助餐. 他們的材料都算是新鮮, 口味除了有迎合外國人的fusion sushi之外, 他們也有不少傳統握壽司. 在這裡, 除了酒水飲料要錢之外, 所有的壽司, 熟食,還有冰淇淋甜點都是包含在內. 這間店的生意非常的好, 就算是Weekday都有可能要等超過30分鐘, 也是當地人的"Local Favorite".

因為這是吃到飽的自助餐, 所以我對食物的品質要求是以自助餐廳的標準來看待, 而不是以一般日式壽司餐廳的標準來評鑑.

Ahi Poke - 鮪魚塊加上了海藻, 洋蔥在拌上麻油等醬料, 是一道清爽的開味菜.
Tempura Shrimp (4 Orders) - 他們的炸蝦讓我感到驚豔因為沒有裹上太多麵衣. 吃起來十分的爽口, 沒有油膩的口感.
Rainbow Roll - 加州捲上放了不同種類的生魚片還有魚卵, 我每次來都必點的壽司捲.
Miso Soup with Sweet Shrimp Head
Super White Tuna & Salmon - 我個人強力推薦他們的Super White Tuna, 非常的"Creamy".
Eel (Unagi) and Masago - 肥厚的鰻魚配上醬汁, 天衣無縫的搭配, Masago Egg也是我自小到大都愛吃的一款壽司.
Sweet Shrimp, Tuna, and Hamachi - 他們家的甜蝦還有海膽是限量供應的, 一定要點! 甜蝦頭可以煮成味增湯或者油炸.
Salmon Roe
Surf Clam, Mackerel, Scallop Salad - 我對於北寄貝(surf clam)的恐慌來自於多年前的食物過敏, 自此之後我就再也不敢嘗試了, 不過他們的鯖魚(saba)也算是肥厚.
White Clam, Halibut, Squid - 他們家的白身魚都滿新鮮美味的, 都可以吃吃看.
Baked Green Mussels (2 orders)
Volcano Roll
Dynamite - 蝦子, 干貝, 蟹肉等海鮮加上了美乃滋焗烤而成.
Green Tea Ice Cream & Lychee Sorbet - 他們的冰淇淋也是非常值得一吃! 一定要留胃來吃! 它們還有提供冰淇淋mochi, 以及tempura ice cream 等, 有機會可以試看看.
由於是吃到飽餐廳, 他們很怕大家亂點浪費糧食, 所以除了一些特別的壽司捲 (如Spider Roll等)之外, 他們都可以有half order (就是給予一半的分量). 如果想要嘗試不同種風味的壽司, 卻又怕吃不完的話, 不妨點half order. 還有就是一定要詢問侍者今天的special roll/fish有哪些, 或許可以吃到一些沒有吃過的好味道.

Sushi Mon Restaurant

9770 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 3
Las Vegas, NV 89183
(702) 617-0241

Great All You Can Eat Sushi Joint in Vegas.

Located in a shopping plaza. Easy to park.

The restaurant is not too big but staffs are very efficient with orders. During non-busy hours, you can actually eat longer than the regulated 60 mins but usually people are full before they hit an hour landmark.

Fishes were fresh. Make sure to check their daily specials! I like their fresh scallop (its previously frozen, however) but still pretty good for AYCE standard. Uni melts in your mouth as well. Sweet shrimp is better than typical AYCE place too. I also liked their salmon, yellowtail, amber jack, albacore sushi. Their tempura shrimp and seaweed salad is good too. One of the best I have had in the AYCE restaurant. Thumbs up. They also make pretty good rolls, including 1/2 order rolls so for those who can't consume the whole spider roll, this is the place to go.

My only gripe for this place is that their sushi rice is bit on the firm side. It wasn't very "sticky" when I was there. Maybe just one of the bad nights? Their Ikura (Salmon Eggs) weren't that salty too so if you don't like fishy stuff, try to avoid that. Other than that, its definitely worth to make a trip here if you are very hungry and loves sushi!


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