
[Los Angeles] [Japanese] Kanpai Sushi - 限時限量美味豚骨拉麵

Kanpai 餐廳是我一個網友跟我大力推薦的. 它們的位置位在機場附近的Westchester 區, 乍看之下, 我會被他那不太傳統的外觀給唬住 (因為我會以為他們主力放在外國顧客, 提供fusion 料理), 沒想到, 這間餐廳的美味讓我吃一次就馬上成為他們忠實的信徒.

隨套餐附贈的小菜以及味增湯, 不過味道實在很平凡, 有很大的改進空間.

Sushi Combination - 魚肉非常的新鮮可口, 不過, 其中的hamachi 還沒到我盤子裡就散了. 可惜.
他們的魚肉品質非常優良, 不過價位也相較的高了許多.

Chirashi Bowl - 這裡的Chirashi Bowl是由eel bowl, ikura bowl, 還有傳統的海鮮散壽司合併而成.

鰻魚口感肥厚, 烤的香酥, 加上了醬汁, 甜甜鹹鹹的十分易入口.
海鮮丼也是超級新鮮美味, 很訝異在這一區還能吃到如此新鮮美味的海鮮. 他們的壽司醋飯也是十分彈牙. 現磨的山葵也是值得一提.
我也很喜歡吃他們的Ikura Don, 鮭魚卵粒粒飽滿, 每一口都吃到大海的香味.
Shoyu/Miso Ramen - 他們只有販賣兩種拉麵, 配料完全相同 (青蔥, 豆芽, 海苔, 叉燒肉等), 不過湯頭是最大的不同 (一個是醬油豚骨, 一個則是味增豚骨). 這裡的湯頭非常濃郁, 是廚師熬煮超過18小時以上的豚骨湯頭, 濃郁的豬骨香, 再加上了大量的麻油, 這是我目前在LA喝過最好喝的湯頭, 口味與我在日本拉麵名店吃的味道不相上下. 不過, 他們家的拉麵是只有10pm之後販賣的限量商品.
麵條採用了我愛吃的波浪拉麵. 煮的軟硬適中有彈性 (我很怕粉粉的麵條).
叉燒肉也跟一般的不同是自己燒製而成的, 非常大塊吃起來比較像是台灣的控肉
裡面還有pickled onions, 酸甜口感來刺激味蕾.
魚翅茶碗蒸 - 也是限量商品. 他們的湯頭也是添加了許多的麻油. 如果不愛麻油口感的最好不要嘗試.
甜點 - 自家製的甜點, 口感不錯, 不過我們下次因該不會再點甜點了.

This is a great Japanese Sushi Bar/Grill/Pub located nearby LAX area. I have been hanging out in this year for a while but I have never found this hidden gem.

Yes, the price IS very expensive compare with other sushi restaurants. However, the quality IS top notch. Their chirashi sushi bowl consists of three different types of mini bowls (Eel Bowl/Chrashi Bowl/ Ikura Bowl). Its definitely a bargain to have all three tastes in one since the quality of fish is awesome. However, I was slightly letdown by the Sushi combination (my hamachi fall apart before it reach my plate). Their Japanese pickle and miso soup needs some work too.

The best hidden secret for this restaurant is their ramen. Its served after 10pm only (Because this is a sushi restaurant, not a Ramen restaurant). Two flavors available (Miso and Shoyu). Ramen noodle is cooked to perfection. The noodle soup itself is off the hook kinda good. Rich in flavor (Tonkotsu) and they put lots sesame oil so it smells pretty good too. They also roast the pork on site so it makes wonderful combination for this ramen bowl. My only pet peeve is that they do not offer egg with the ramen.

Try to score coupon from http://restaurant.com. Yes it is pricy still, but however, it is worth the drive. Lucky for those who loves authentic Japanese food and live nearby LAX.

Kanpai Japanese Sushi Bar & Grill

8325 Lincoln Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 338-7223


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