
[Fountain Valley] [Japanese] - Shimura Restaurant - 美味平價志むら

這一間位於Fountain Valley地區的Shimura Sushi已經在這裡營業了許多年頭. 壽司老闆是一個愛釣魚的人, 在餐廳裡面有冰桶放置當日的鮮魚, 也可以看到許多張老闆釣魚的照片. 餐廳的價位算是十分平易近人, 口味道地不花俏. 可以花最少的錢吃到新鮮的漁獲. 我個人認為這間餐廳最值得吃的就是他們的生魚片, 一般的鮪魚鮭魚的魚類沒有太大的驚喜, 不過他們餐廳的現殺活魚/貝類/龍蝦的品質令我感到滿意, 來用餐前最好打電話詢問今天的活魚, 以免向偶
Sushi Bar
Happy Hour Menu: 5-7pm Every Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
Tonkatsu Entree - 他們家的炸豬排晚餐價位十分平價, 不到十塊美金就可以吃到兩塊炸豬排, 還有加了蟹肉的沙拉, 以及涼拌小菜, 算是十分超值.
Sushi and Teriyaki Beef Combination - 握壽司照燒牛肉套餐的牛肉略乾了點, 不過這個份量就算是男生吃都不會嫌少.
Nigiri Sushi (5 Pieces) - 四種不同口味的握壽司以及一貫蛋壽司
Spanish Mackerel (Aji) - 後來又單點了一分我最愛的竹筴魚
Live Flounder - 這種新鮮沒有腥味的比目魚只有現殺的吃起來才有這種口感.
Rainbow Roll - 七彩繽紛的彩虹捲, 上面放了四種不同的魚類, 還有滿滿的酪梨.

Live Scupin (杜夫魚) - 這個相貌不揚的深海魚是這間店的招牌生魚片之一. 活跳跳的魚就在現場處理. 當上桌的時候, 魚的尾鰭還在微微的跳動, 新鮮度無以挑剔.
切好的生魚片就放置在冰塊上冰鎮, 吃起來還有微微的溫度. 肉質淡雅有彈性, 配上了柚子醋醬汁 (Ponzu Sauce), 更能顯現魚肉本身的鮮甜美味.
這是魚的心臟, 端上桌的時候還是在跳動著.
這一條魚原本一年四季都有供應, 不過現在因為氣候的問題, 不是每一天都可以吃的到了, 建議可以先打電話來詢問一下今天有沒有現貨.
Fish Miso Soup - 魚頭可以選擇乾炸或者做成味增湯. 味增湯裡有蔬菜豆腐, 湯本身充滿了魚肉膠質的香味, 還有柚子片的清香. 十分好喝.

Green Tea Ice Cream

I give this restaurant 4 star due to the value that it presented, friendly services and great quality and variety of the fish.

I do agree with other posters mentioning about some (kitchen) food can be blend here. But if you know what to order and what to avoid, this place can be a great discover for some fish lovers.

My recommendation: Do sit at the bar or prepare to order mostly off the sushi bar if you want to get the best from this restaurant. Do ask for the fresh "LIVE" fish of the day. During my past visited, I have seem they served typical Live Scallop, Live Abalone, and more rare in the sushi joint, Live Lobster, and Live Sculpin (which that I ordered).

Live Scuplin was very light in taste, fresh and slightly chewy in terms of texture. Fish sashimi was served on a bed of ice. Since the fish was live moments ago, the fish was slightly warm. The tail of the fish were still jumping during the entire courses of dinner, So FRESH! They also served fish heart on a slice of cucumber. It is my first time seeing a fish heart pumping when eating sashimi. The fish also served with a choice of fried fish head or fish miso soup. I highly recommend getting a fish miso soup since the fish head enhance the broth taste and also there are some meat within the head that is worth eating, but we usually don't get to try.

Do check for the daily special fish and the live fish. I had flunder last time which was live fish of the day. So delicious.

Alone with the coupon from restaurant.com. This place is a great find in OC area.

Shimura Restaurant

18906 Brookhurst St
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 964-8840


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