
[Gardena] [Japanese] Hironoya - Gardena 最新日本壽司店 (Chinese/English)

這間壽司店本來是一間劣評如潮的壽司店(Tsukeji Sushi)換了老闆之後於2010年12月重新開幕的店面. 老闆原來在Downtown Los Angeles的 Westin Bonaventure中的日本料理掌廚, 現在自己出來開店. 中午主打商業套餐, 是一個非常經濟實惠的用餐地點.
Today's Lunch Special Menu - 非常多樣化的午間套餐, 看得出業者的用心.
以一個壽司店來說, 他們的料理檯算是比較特殊, 我沒有看到一般壽司店常見的冰櫃展示魚貨, 原來老闆將一部分的魚先切好放置在鐵盤上, 其他的魚貨則是放在底下的小冰箱內.
點完餐點的前菜沙拉. 口感算是普普通通沒有太大的驚喜.
Today's Special Set: Chicken Cutlet with Tuna & Yellowtail Sashimi. 他們的套餐乍看之下滿大份的, 不過仔細一看, 炸雞排切得很薄, 約是一般餐廳的2/3厚, 吃起來無法感受到雞排的口感, 只吃的到麵包粉的味道, 生魚片更是需要加強. 已經半溫的魚肉吃起來有點腥味. 鮪魚本身的部位也是帶有不少筋, 口感一點都不順口.

Lady's Set Seafood Bowl - 這一碗比較小碗的海鮮丼有鮪魚, 鮭魚, 蝦子, 鯖魚, 章魚, 青甘, 鯛魚等. 種類相當豐富, 不過也犯了同樣的缺點, 就是魚肉有些許腥味. 此外, 他們的白飯 (包含壽司飯在內), 都煮得太硬了. 日本壽司米可以煮的乾到感覺像是泰國香米一樣的口感, 不知道是他們挑選的米飯有問題還是那天煮飯的時候水放太少煮太硬了. 在壽司餐廳犯了這樣的大忌其實因該要把全部的米飯倒掉重做, 或者是因該是重新煮一鍋米飯然後將這鍋米飯用在其他的用途上, 這碗口感不論是在魚肉的品質上, 米飯的口感上都還有很大的進步空間.

後來當我們用餐快要結束的時候, 隔壁的客人剛好點了主廚推薦的豪華版海鮮丼, 不過我看一部分的魚肉也採用事先切好放置在常溫室內的魚肉, 另一部分則是從冰櫃拿出來的魚肉, 我覺得那樣的口感一定不會好到哪裡 (有些魚肉是冰的, 一些則是溫的). 如果主廚真的是有30多年的經驗, 我不覺得這是一個可以允許的錯誤.

This restaurant's lunch menu offers daily special, from kitchen cooked food to assorted sashimi, and the price varies from $8.50 to $18.95 (Premium Kaisen Don). We opted for the daily special (Tuna & Yellowtail Sashimi with Chicken Cutlet) and Lady's Kaisen-Don (Small Seafood Sashimi Bowl). Salad and pickels served immediately following our order. Service is friendly and accurate.

The chicken cutlet was given in a big portion, enough to feed a big guy like me. I was given four pieces of sashimi (2 pieces of tuna, 2 pieces of yellowtail). Lady's set consists of 8 different types of sashimi (Tuna, Salmon, Yellowtail, Red Snapper, Mackerl, Octupus, Shrimp and salmon eggs). It was beautifully presented.

The main reason that I give this restaurant 3 stars is because the quality of the food. For example, Their rice cooked too hard during my visit (which should not be the case if you open restaurant). Sides, from miso soup to potato salad, lack of the originality. Everything seems very generic, lack of standout/unique point, I wish the chef can spend more time to make their side dishes.

Most importantly, the fish. My tuna was full of tendons (suggests this is not the best part of the fish). Also, for my friend's seafood bowl, we both agreed the white fish (Red Snapper/Tai) and salmons were FISHY, which is not suppose to happen if it is fresh. Later, I observed the chef did PRE SLICE some of the fish beforehand, and he just picked from the container when people order food (Big No No). He puts some of the fish in the bucket yet others in the fridge underneath. That may be a factor for the uneven freshness of the fish. Or the fish was simply not up to the standard?

This is a new restaurant, I do expect a better quality of food can be improved in the near future.


1745 W Redondo Beach Blvd
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 323-4077


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