
[West Hollywood] [American] Lucques - Sunday Supper

在West Hollywood的Melrose一帶, 不僅僅有許多的名牌精品店, 也有許多剛竄起美食餐廳. 這些餐廳較不為人知 (因為不是連鎖店). 僅靠著吃過的顧客口耳相傳就可以成為當地的Hot List Restaurants. 這間Lucques是由主廚Susan Goin 經營的餐廳之一(其他的則有AOC, Tavern等風格各異的餐廳), 主打新派美國餐點, 以當令的食材創造出一道道可口的佳餚. 其中, 每周日的Sunday Supper更是需要提前訂位. 以一個固定的價格吃到三道菜的套餐, 十分的划算.
餐廳不大, 有Bar section, indoor dining section還有backside patio.
Almond and Olive Appetizer
Summer Berries Cocktail
Warm spinach and aspargus salad with bacon, dijon mustard, parmesan and soft egg - 非常有趣的組合. 溫熱的菠菜沒有了原有的苦澀味, 加入了培根那種煙燻的口感, 還有半熟蛋, 以及酸酸的Dijon Mustard Sauce, 非常創新的開胃菜.
Market fish (Grouper) with summer squash, mint, saffron cous cous and gremolata brown butter - 這個白身魚口感類似鱈魚但又再扎實一點, 魚肉配上了他們的醬汁, 吃起來還可以感覺到薄荷微涼的香氣在魚肉中竄流著.
Grilled hanger steak with corn pudding, avacado salad and pickled carrots - 這塊牛排雖然用的部位不是最頂級的部位, 也沒有經過乾/濕式熟成, 但是簡單來說, 就是相當的美味. 火烤到約五分熟, 鮮嫩多汁的牛肉, 配上了獨特的醬汁, 口味不輸給任何一間高級牛排館. 他們底下的Corn Pudding 更是甜美. 與一般corn pudding 不同的是他們在烤過corn pudding 後, 再加了幾道手續, 將新鮮玉米粒加入, 還有玉米原汁一起加入已經烤過一次的corn pudding 中, 在放置進烤箱在烤過一次, 增添玉米的甜味, 最後的口感就是十分的滑嫩, 卻還可以吃到飽滿的玉米粒.
很幸運的, 今天剛好是Susan Goin親自掌廚 (他跟一些有名的主廚一樣, 不定時在他們經營的餐廳內輪流掌廚), 這塊牛排就是他親自烤的. 火候剛好, 外面可以吃到炭烤的香味, 裡面還可以品嘗到牛肉的肉汁.
Ricotta fritters with blueberry compote, meyer lemon and creme fraiche


8474 Melrose Ave
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(323) 655-6277

5 則留言:

pickbabe 提到...

i love this restaurant. I love braised beef short ribs, which falls off the bone. yum!

have you been to AOC?

Kenny 提到...

No I haven't. It is on one of my dining list though. AOC & Tavern are both on my to try list. I just need ot find a time (and occasion) to go there.

Braised beef short ribs are always good. Do you have any other dining recommendations in the area?

pickbabe 提到...

sorry Kenny that I just saw your reply.

I dont go west LA often but just know this restaurant from my friend.

FYI I got this deal from Opentable
"Enjoy $25 for $50 of seasonal Californian dinner, or $15 for $30 of weekend brunch at AOC "

Kenny 提到...

I actually bought 2 of it first thing in the morning when I saw it!

Have you tried Culina at Beverly Hills Four Seasons Hotel? I am tempted to buy too.

pickbabe 提到...

Culina => no :(
what's good about this restaurant?

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