
[Seal Beach] [Japanese] Sushi Koi - 美味傳統握壽司

很久以前沒有目的的在Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)無意識的開車, 看到了這間Sushi Koi, 就突然想要進去吃壽司. 沒想到一開始只是抱著吃飽就好的心態, 沒想到在這個90% 都是外國客戶(白種人)的壽司餐廳居然口味非常的傳統道地. 他們有傳統的握壽司, 季節性小料理, 定食套餐, 也有迎合外國客人口味的壽司捲 (California Roll等等). 價位也十分合理, 可以說是一間品質價位兼顧的好餐廳.
Sushi Chef - Daigo San. 這間店裡面我最常遇到的就是這位Daigo San. 他是一個十分有趣的人, 他喜歡登山踏青, 也喜歡在刀工上鑽研(see below), 他也準備了一本他去露營的照片還有他利用不同的食材創造出來的一些創意料理. 坐在壽司檯邊一邊跟他聊天, 一邊享用他做的壽司, 氣氛十分的輕鬆.
Blue fin Tuna Belly (Toro), Blue fin Tuna (Maguro) - 雖然現在吃壽司沒有特定的順序, 可是對我來說, 如果今天是在壽司吧檯吃我一定是以Toro來測試這間店的口味. 他們的魚肉入口即化, 而且壽司師傅切的厚度剛剛好, 可以吃到鮪魚肚的脂肪, 卻又不會厚到油膩.
Halibut (Top), Black Snapper (Bottom) - 吃完鮪魚後, 我接下來就選用了他們今天的白身魚壽司. 清爽的魚肉口感配上了微酸的Ponzu Sauce, 其中黑鯛魚的味道讓我們非常驚豔. 在LA餐廳吃到太多養殖鯛魚後吃到這種野生鯛魚的口感完全不同, 吃起來不會有一種土味的aftertaste. 他們的比目魚口感一點都不會輸給韓國日本料理店的現殺比目魚.
Fresh Scallop (Hotate) with Sea Salt - 海鹽帶出了干貝的鮮甜味. 也有些人喜歡用Lemon Juice那種酸味來引味.
Albacore Belly - 這道壽司也是採用了Ponzu Sauce
Amberjack (Kanpachi/left), Yellowtail Belly (Hamachi/right)
Copper River King Salmon - 野生的鮭魚吃起來就是特別的香, 那種鮭魚獨有的香氣吃起來特別的誘人.
Hirame Engawa - 這份比目魚鰭邊肉握壽司是我特別請壽司師傅幫我捏製的. 跟比目魚握壽司最大的不同就是口感吃起來特別的有彈性. 可以配上海鹽提味.
Spanish Mackerel (Aji) - 美味的新鮮竹筴魚也是我必點的壽司之一.
Monk Fish Liver (Ankimo) - 他們自製的鮟鱇魚肝一點魚腥味都沒有, 吃起來非常的綿密.
Live Soft Shell Crab Appetitzer - 當季的軟殼蟹最適合酥炸. 平常我都是選擇點spider roll (Soft Shell Crab Roll)來收尾, 不過今天師傅推薦單點炸活軟殼蟹比較能品嘗到蟹肉的鮮味.
螃蟹裡面還有久違的蟹膏, 不用沾醬就很好吃.
Special Dessert - 我去的那天剛好是我生日, 所以壽司師傅也特別幫我準備了一份特別點心 (他自己親手做的). 他也為剛滿周歲的兒子研發出很多可愛造型的食物. 我相信他的小孩絕對不會挑食.
如果是他們的常客, 會不定期的邀請吃到他們的烤鮪魚肋骨排, 不過這個真的是要碰運氣才能吃到的好料理.

Koi Sushi

600 Pacific Coast Hwy
Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 431-1186

I always come here exclusively for sushi. Being in an non-Asian neighborhood, Koi Sushi is very good. They actually managed to satisfied both Sushi Traditionalist and Fusionist taste.

I usually just go through the special fish's menu and look for the best fish of the season on top of the usual fish offerings. I started off with the Blue fin Toro and Blue fin Tuna. Melts in your mouth, delectable. Its good way to see the quality of the fish this restaurant is offering.
Then I ordered the white fish to have a change of flavors. Black Snapper, Seabass, Scallops with sea salt, albacore belly, kapachi and yellowtail belly. Besides the yellowtail and kanpachi is bit on the dry side, rest of the fish were beyond my expectation. Especially seabass in raw. Very tender. Thats one of the most remarkable fish of the night. Copper River King salmon is also good, so does my all time favor Aji . I also ordered a side of Monk Fish liver - Super creamy :D Its good to see they make their own ankimo in house. I also liked their soft shell crab appetizer. Crispy yet moist. I can totally tasted the peak season flavor of the creamy crab. Yumm.

They ran out of the Uni due to the weather, but they were kind enough to get some fresh halibut fin for me. One of my favorite item too. Light in flavor yet slightly crunchy.

Because its my birthday, my sushi chef, Daigo San, also prepared a special dessert for me, which is very appreciated. I always feel very cozy whenever I dine here. The staffs here are friendly although this restaurant is always busy. I should visit here more often so I will not miss the fresh fish of the season!


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