
[Torrance] [Japanese] Sushi Yoshi - 平價壽司專賣店

Sushi Yoshi

2140 W Artesia Blvd Ste H
Torrance, CA 90504
(310) 538-2018

位於Torrance的這間壽司店也跟之前去過的金太郎Kantaro Sushi一樣是走平價路線的壽司. 不同的是, 這間店主打Take Out (因為店面空間有限), 而且她們中午晚上的價位都是一樣的 (Kantaro 午餐比較便宜, 晚餐則為原價). 想要吃壽司卻又不想花太多錢的時候, 這裡也是一個不錯的選擇.
店面裡面有老闆的畫像, 老闆不僅是壽司師傅, 也自詡為Entertainer (他很愛唱歌)
我這次選擇的是他們的Sushi Special Combination. 基本上全部的食材都可以一次吃到. 首先就是Tuna Roll & Cucumber Roll (3 pcs each).
Tuna & Yellowtail
Salmon & Mackerel
Egg, Shrimp, Halibut, Salmon, Mackerel
Salmon Egg & Smelt Egg
這裡壽司上的速度非常快, 魚肉也算是新鮮, 壽司飯的表現也是尚可, 可是吃完了也不會帶給人太大的回憶. 不過真的想來吃壽司這裡的價錢成為他們最吸引人的地方.

Special Sushi Combo for $11 during dinner time? This is perhaps the best price in town! You get 3 pcs of Tuna Roll, Cucumber Roll, Tuna, Salmon, Halibut, Mackerel, Shrimp, Smelt Egg, Yellowtail, Salmon Egg, and Egg sushi. All for $11.

This family owned business keep the sushi price affordable even during dinner time and still delivers restaurant / sushi bar quality sushi. I gonna give credit for the owner.

The quality of fish are decent. I would say for the price, its above the average. Its certainly better than those $2 sushi shop.

Call ahead for take out, it save lots time waiting for your sushi to be ready.


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