
[Orange] [Japanese] Ohshima Japanese Cuisine - 大島日本料理

耳聞在Orange一帶有一間非常有名的壽司店, 老闆Shige San對他的魚貨非常堅持, 大部分的魚都是從日本空運進口(每周二, 四為進貨日), 配上老闆的手藝, 非常值得一試. 這裡的壽司(坐在壽司吧的客人)可以由8, 10, 12貫的Omakase 選擇. 坐在Table的客人也可以點選一樣的菜單, 不過他們的壽司就是一次上齊, 沒有辦法享受到師傅一貫一貫送上來的新鮮感.
Medai (真鯛) - 我很喜歡吃有魚皮的鯛魚. 一方面可以品嘗魚肉以及魚皮不同的風味, 二方面, 如果魚身沒有處理好他的皮也不能夠完整的呈現.
Inada (いなだ) - Young Yellowtail
Hotate (干貝) - Japanese Scallop
Cherry Salmon (櫻鱒) - 說是鮭魚不過嚴格上其實是鱒魚的一種. 口感及色澤都很接近鮭魚, 不過吃起來比鮭魚來的細膩, 沒有鮭魚那麼多的油脂, 卻有一點咬勁, 是這裡的招牌.
Black Cod
Maguro (鮪魚)
Hirame (平目)
Kanpachi (間八)
Grilled Butterfish - 口感吃起來跟平常吃的銀鱈西京燒很類似, 有一點淡淡的酒香
Aji (竹筴魚) - 他們的竹筴魚處裡的很好, 非常的嫩, 醬汁也恰如其分的引出魚的鮮味.
Kin Medai (金目鯛) - 金目雕本身的口感就十分的美味, 只要撒一點海鹽就可以將魚肉的甜美帶出.
Hamatsu (金梭魚) Barracuda
Aoyaji (青柳) - 他們的青柳吃起來並沒有想像中的清脆, 算是今天的敗筆.
大島壽司店的板前Shige San非常友善風趣 (而且英文程度還不賴). 他們對於他們的漁獲非常自豪, 大部分的魚都是在開店前 (5:30pm)才處理, 確保魚的鮮度. 在這裡吃壽司完全不需要用任何的醬料, 因為壽司師傅都會在生魚片上塗上適量的醬料 (或者撒上鹽). 壽司飯與魚肉的比例也是恰到好處, 不會過多或過少. 不過來這裡最好幾天前先打電話訂位, 免得撲了個空.

This is the place where traditional sushi lover and roll lovers finds a perfect balance. However, once you are sit at the bar, you are not allowed to order any rolls (but you can order appetizers at the sushi bar). I am very surprised to find such a hidden gem in the city of Orange (Thanks to my yelp friend Andrew L. for excellent referral).

I highly recommend ordering the Omakase Sushi Dinner (which I often don't recommend people to do so). The Omakase dinner consists of fresh fishes of the day, you just have to select 8, 10, 12 pieces to begin with, then you can add on, as you wish.

I like it how there's no "soy sauce" on the table. It resembles some of the high end sushi restaurants in Japan where the chef prepared its own sauce and put on the fish as a finishing touch and served to the customers and let them eat "as-is". It can be a hit or miss as some people really enjoy adding extra wasabis/ to their sushi (IMHO, it covered up fish's real taste, esp white meat fish).

Some of the highlight for the night of my arrival includes: Kin Medai (my usual favorite), Medai (Sea Bream), Hirame (Halibut), Maguro (Tuna) and everyone's usual favorite Sakura Sake (Cherry Salmon). I liked the balance portion between the size of fish & rice (Some place have big piece yet very thinly sliced fish or XXL portioned of rice, falling all over the place). Their sushi rice is perfectly cooked too (Moist, plumb with a hint of sweetness). The quality you get for the price you paid, is actually VERY moderate. You are paying to experience one of the best Japanese sushi restaurant in OC area.

I really admire chef Shige san's skill. It is definitely worth the try and you definitely have to make your reservation EARLY as people can sit for hours to enjoy their sushi and interact with the chef.

Ohshima Japanese Cuisine

1956 N Tustin St
Orange, CA 92865
(714) 998-0098


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