
[Torrance] [Japanese] Hirose Sushi - 現代風懷石料理體驗 (晚餐篇)

在洛杉磯能夠吃到傳統美味兼具的日式料理已經不是一件容易的事, 更何況想要吃傳統的懷石料理更是一件困難的事. 不是每一個人都能夠負擔的起Urasawa的高單價. 我在Hirose已經吃過了無數次的午餐, 晚餐也不是第一次享用了, 每一次吃他們的晚餐也能帶給我一些新的感動, 很難得還能在LA品嘗到用心的師傅不會拘泥在同一種料理方式而一直創新求變. 嚴格上來說, 他們的Omakase套餐是介於在宴席晚餐與懷石料理之間, 沒有宴席晚餐那麼華麗, 但是又沒有懷石料理的拘謹. 餐廳所提供的晚餐在LA來說已經算是很接近日本料亭所提供的餐點, 精緻, 而且菜與菜之間都有經過考量, 能夠淋漓盡致的享用當令的鮮美食材. 吃完一餐, 就完成了一段味覺的旅行.

先付 (Sakizuke) - 開胃小菜採用了自製的起司豆腐 (Cheese Tofu)佐鮭魚卵, 梅子醬汁.
八寸 (Hassun) - 季節性主題的三款小菜
1) 照燒鴨肉捲佐洋蔥醬
2) Kumamoto 生蠔佐柚子醋 (Ponzu Sauce)
3) 煮柳葉魚
刺身 - 鮪魚, 鮪魚肚 (Toro), 青柳 (Ayoyagi), 鰤魚 (Yellowtail), 鯛魚的時令鮮魚組合. 現磨的山葵更是提升了魚的鮮味.
揚物 - 大阪名物串揚 (Kushiage). 今天一共有三串風格各異的串揚 (由左至右): 雞腿肉佐洋蔥, 牡蠣佐秋葵, 還有黑豚肉捲青蔥.
他們的醬汁也是自製的, 充滿了水果的香氣. 擺盤紙上也沒有油漬, 算是處裡的相當好.
煮物 - 紅味增燉鯖魚
強餚 (Shiizakana); Entree - 今天的主菜是岐阜名物朴葉燒. 上等的帶骨羊肩排搭配上了冬季蔬菜, 再放上由日本進口的朴葉, 放在七輪(泥爐)上燒烤到半熟後食用, 也替羊排增添絲絲內斂香氣, 口感美味濃郁, 令人回味再三.

飯物 - 天婦羅茶漬. 蝦肉剁碎後用紫蘇葉/海苔裹成捲狀再炸至酥脆, 配上了高湯, 白飯, 不僅讓人有飽足感, 更有滿足感.
香物 - 自製的醃小黃瓜, 蘿蔔
果物 - 水果慕斯
壽司生魚片套餐則比較注重於生食的內容, 可以吃的到主廚Abe先生的好手藝.

前菜 - 沙拉 (與午餐相同)
刺身 - 生魚片種類與主廚套餐略微不同, 採用的是鮭魚, 鮪魚, 鰤魚, 比目魚, 白鮪魚
燒物則有四種選擇, 我們選擇的是鹽烤鰤魚 (Yellowtail Shioyaki).
壽司 六貫 加上三個鮪魚捲


這間餐廳的食材, 氣氛, 服務整體都令我十分的滿意, 他們餐廳所使用的食材百分之七十以上都是日本進口, 其他的食材也是老闆親自挑選的. 我強力推薦去之前要先定位以免不必要的等待.

Wonderful dinner experience as usual. I strongly recommend ordering the Sashimi-Sushi Omakase and the Omakase to try out both chef/owner's creation with meal.

Sashimi Sushi's Omakase consists of
1. Salad (This one is same as lunch)
2. Braised Smelt Fish
3. Choices of Entrees, we picked Yellowtail Shioyaki.
4. Sashimi Platter, Chef's Choice
5. Sushi Combination (8 Pieces of Nigiri Sushi, 3 pieces of Tuna roll)
6. Miso Soup
7. Daily Dessert (Strawberry Mousse)

This dinner is more suitable if you want to experience the Sushi chef's skill since it have more of the raw fish and sushi. The fish quality is superb as always. You will get some of the best fishes of the season. For Sashimi Dinner, we received Toro, Tuna, Salmon, Albacore, Hirame, Yellowtail. Sushi we got Toro, Tuna, Shima-Aji, Yellowtail, Scallops and Squid. I love how chef sliced the squid, it shows how skillful he is. The quality of the fish, the taste of the rice, and the temperature of the rice/fish combination and chef's hand = a perfect combination for a true good sushi.

For Omakase (This is more suitable for true Japanese food lovers). This is so nice that it reminds me of the Ryotei style kaiseiki meal. It blends in with the seasonal ingredients with various cooking techiques (raw, soup, fried, cold, hot/stewed, desserts) the orders of food follows what kaiseiki meal should be like. Our meal order comes with

1. Chef's special "Cheese Tofu" with Salmon Roe, Homemade Plum (Ume) Dressing.
2. Three Appetizer Samplers - Fresh Kumamoto Oyster, Ponzu Sauce. Braised Smelt Fish and Roasted Duck Roll with Chive, Onion Dressing.
3. Chef's choice Sashimi - Toro, Tuna, Japanese Red Snapper, Yellowtail and Fresh Clam with its Scallops. This one is a level above the Sashimi dinner's sashimi since it have more premium items.
4. Kushiage - Fried Black Pork with Green Onion Roll, Fried Oyster with Okura, and Fried Chicken Thigh with onion
5. Miso Stewed Mackerel with Mountain Yam.
6. Hoban-Yaki Lamb Chop with Seasonal Vegetables (This is very rare to be seen in US. A traditional clay pot which served as a tableside grille to cook the meat and veggie and the Hoban Leaves (imported from Japan) actually creates an aroma that blends into the meat and vegetables. I wish this is a regular offering but I know its not. That's the true spirit of Omakase. The chef tries his best to "surprise" you. In my case, I am very glad to be here to have this very traditional experience.
7. Shrimp Shio Roll Tempura "Chazuke" - A perfect way to wrap up the meal. They also have the choice of the flat (thinner) Udon, but I like Chazuke alot more (Its rice in a bowl of hot broth with toppings)
8. Fruit Mousse

The timing between the dishes were very good. You can actually enjoy the whole dining experience while chatting with your dining companions. The services were excellent. I have nothing but to compliment this restaurant. This is certainly one of the best Japanese restaurant in town.


24631 Crenshaw Blvd, Ste #L
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 530-3533


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